Sunday, January 8, 2017

I am a writer....

Welcome to the official blog of writer Megan Prewitt Koon.

My first story was about a dog and a cat who climbed into a box together,  a simple story that goes to show that we all really can "just get along".

My first novel was written when I was in third grade.  It was titled From Georgia to Florida...and Back.  I'll leave you to guess the contents of the plot.

The summer of my freshman year of high school, I wrote a full-length novel based on a band trip I had taken to Europe.  My friends all got to pick their characters' names, and I got the license to add in the romance plot I had longed for and missed many important cultural sights trying to achieve.

In college I wrote a novel that helped me to work through some truly awful events I had experienced. It was therapy.

In grad school I wrote short pieces for a creative writing class that would remind me that I was actually pretty good at this.  I would send out my first query letter.

Eleven years later, countless queries later, more rejections that I care to count later, I'm still at it.

Because I am a writer.

So the short version is that I cannot remember a time when I was not writing: short stories, angsty poems, pieces that were stories but should have been poems, novels.  I love it.

I love the feeling of my fingers on a typewriter or a computer keyboard.
I've longed for a writer's callus on my finger, and for a brief period in high school I worked so diligently to make one appear.
I adore the moment a character becomes real, takes off on her own, moves beyond your own expectations for her so that your intentions are unimportant (sucka!) and hers are happening, whether you like it or not.
I live for the sentences you write before you sit back and wonder if you really wrote that, because it's so dadgum good.

I am a writer.
I am a daughter, a grand-daughter, a neice, a cousin, a daughter-in-law, a sister-in-law, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a friend.
I am a writer.
I am a creator, an artist, a grammarian, a reader, a dreamer, a killer, a goddess, a vessel.
I am a writer.

And I'm so grateful you're here with me.


  1. Always with you, what a journey our lives have been and I'll follow along and watch you and support you on this trek... always have you been talented, amazing, dramatic, caring and compassionate. You are a writer and I'm proud to call you friend. Love, Eric

    1. I'm grateful our journeys have always remained intersecting or parallel! You're an amazing person and no worries...I'll make sure "Logan" turns up in my writing one of these days! Love you!

  2. I as well am always with you! You are my hero, that was one you left out above! Never give up, never give in. We we're raised knowing you can do anything you put you mind to. You are a writer and you will be a great one!
