Saturday, January 20, 2018

We Needs Your Stories Now

Today, across the nation, Women's Marches were held, uniting men and women in working for social justice.  As I stood at our local park, looking at the variety of signs and listening to the speakers share their unique stories and call for constructive action, I began to think how today, perhaps more than ever, words matter.

Words matter because they are the means by which we communicate our needs to one another.
Words matter because they are the means by which we lift each other up and thrust each other down.
Words matter because sometimes we communicate without the fortune of seeing the facial expressions or without hearing the vocal inflection of those speaking to us.
Words matter because our choices matters.
Words have denotations, connotations, cultural significance, historical significance.
Words have power.

We have seen how words have been used to manipulate, violate, assault, denigrate, and oppress.
We have also seen how words have been used to elevate, console, form, connect, and save.

Words have tremendous power.

As a wise one once said, power comes with responsibility, and we have all seen the pain and hurt that comes with using words irresponsibly.  We can all think of times when we have used words irresponsibly and times when we've seen those in power misuse words and be faced with significant consequences.

In a world where we are often limited to 280 characters, it is more important than ever to acknowledge the power of words and to choose them well.

So today, as I stood in the sun and looked and listened, I saw and heard some words that held great power, power that I believe is working towards positive change. 

"Every vote counts, because every person counts."

"As if the words make the science any less true."

"I am the wilderness."

"Only knowledge erases fear."

"Don't let anyone else steal your narrative."

We all have stories, and as I've written on this blog, we need stories now.  So today I'm ruminating on my narrative.  I'm trying to choose the precise words, to give power to the words, and to let the words speak the truth and work towards goodness.  I hope you'll do the same. 

Tell your story.  Take control of your narrative.  Choose your words.  Choose words that are the most precise words.  Choose words that are true.  Choose words that use your story to create and to grow rather than to shame or to regret.  Choose your words.  Take control of your narrative.  Tell your story.

Words matter.
We need your stories now.

**And thank you to Sydney for recognizing in the moment that the words heard today needed to be recorded.

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