Hello there!
I've been away from the blog for a bit now. I've been working on some side projects and exploring some new interests...and I have been reading up a storm! At the same time, I've been reflecting on myself as a writer and waiting patiently to see where inspiration will take me.
Great news for 2019: Sweet Divinity is confirmed for publication this year! I'll be updating the blog with my journey through publishing now that I've made my way through the queue and on to the actual process of publication. In the meantime, I'm exploring some stories that have been marinating in my mind, ready to make the keyboard hot with my follow-up novel!
In reflecting on the year that was 2018, there were certainly a few stand out moments for me. I finally got to see Hamilton, and it surpassed my extremely high expectations in every way. I am a person who likes to experience live theatre purely, so I made it a mission to avoid too much of the Hamilton soundtrack before I saw the musical for myself. This decision ended up being a great one; I loved experiencing the genius of the music and lyrics for the first time, live. Also, the staging of the show was some of the best I've seen. And the touring cast was astounding. What an experience.
I signed my contract in 2018, after years of seeking a publisher for my dear Sweet Divinity, and it was an amazing moment in my life. It changed so much for me. I felt affirmed in my writing and, much like the change that follows the birth of a child, I shifted many of my priorities to taking care of this novel and of my writing career. Thus, I began freelancing and seeking more opportunities to write.
I read fifty books in 2018, a mix of fiction, biography, general nonfiction, memoir, young adult, poetry and drama. I've already read five books this year, and my favorite so far has been Becoming, by Michelle Obama. I already admired her in so many ways, but after reading her personal story, I admire her persistence, candor, and servant's heart even more.
I've also made it a point to see as many of the Oscar Best Picture films as possible, and I'm lacking only two: Vice and A Star is Born (I've been waiting for DVD with this one so that I can cry in the comfort of my home!). I'm hoping to post my Oscar picks in the next week, but (fingers crossed) before I do, I want to get these two films in. It's an odd collection of films this year, and I'm pretty sure I have my Best Picture prediction chosen, but I'll hold off a little longer and see if I can make a fully educated projection!
I have several personal goals this year. Above all, I plan to write more. I also plan to finish another novel and get a few thousand more words into Reliance. I plan to travel and market Sweet Divinity. I also vow to spend more time with myself. More yoga. More meditation. More reading. More listening. More time in nature.
I hope 2019 is a beautiful year for you as well. As my amazing sister-in-law loved to say: "Make it an epic life!" Let's do this thing.